A monthly outreach to the widowed provides more than 700 poor and rejected women and men with food, vitamins and prayer. Through this program, the widows and widowers gain respect because they are able to contribute the food they receive to their family.


Your gift of $60 provides a “Monthly Support Package” for one widow for ONE ENTIRE YEAR!

More than 450 widows and widowers come to Sangita each month to receive a message of hope and love, personal prayer and a Support Package of rice, sugar and oil to contribute to the family.


As Paul & Grace have gotten to know the widows and visited them in the village, they have become painfully aware of the conditions these fragile women are living in. Often their small huts are open to the elements as well as to rodents and snakes.


With the help of friends like you, these widows have begun receiving new roofs and even new entire huts. To refurbish a dilapidated hut $350.

Another beautiful thing about giving to this ministry is that local men are employed, bringing even more value to these communities. Thank you!

“I cried because I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet..”